Thursday, May 7, 2009

Girls Week!

So Kaytee and Kathryn, two of my best friends from the good ol' champaign urbana, came to visit me for their spring break. One word to sum up our time together, out of control, by one word I meant phrase I guess. Last year Kaytee and I got to visit Kathryn in Belgium for our spring break, so it was only natural to do a repeat. The entire week we did what girls did best, gossiped, shop and drank wine, went through a few too many bottles but when in Scotland...As lovely as my little town of Stirling is, emphasis on the little, we decided to make a few adventures out of a few cities. Our first trip? Glasgow. Shopping center of Scotland. We explored the boutiques of Glasgow and became depressed after we realized we could not afford the things most of the stores sold. Literally it was being like going to Disneyworld and not being able to ride the rides. Very tragic indeed. So what did we do? Drank and ate our feelings. Mostly drank. We went to this really cute restaurant located on the top floor of an indoor, swanky mall. The restaurant was recommended to us and it was apparently the place to go if you want to be "seen." So we indulged in some top class dining, and enjoyed wine by the glass. I cannot tell you what we talked about for three hours, but there never seemed to be a dull moment during that dinner. One minor detail I have forgotten to mention thus far: Kaytee, Kathryn, and I all shared my room, or should I say box. My room is plenty big for me, but for three of us? oh man, we did lots of snuggling. So we woke up the next day and explored around Stirling. Did more shopping, watched a Rugby game (I love Rugby) and saw the Stirling Bridge up close and personal. It's the bridge that William Wallace stopped the English know no big deal. I also showed them the castle on my campus, no big. We laid low that night and taught the boys upstairs how to play our favorite card game...NERTZ! They were also very impressed that we knew how to shuffle. They called the shuffling a trick and demanded we teach them. Now they like to show off. The day after we awoke fresh and ready for Edinburgh. Well I was fresh and rosy, they were tired and jet lagged. But we attacked Edinburgh with enthusiasm. Edinburgh is truly beautiful and I absolutely love it there. So much history and I am a sucker for the souvenir shops. I sent them on the underground city tour, but decided to get a lot of my shopping out of the way for allllll my the people who miss me back home. I told them it wasn't scary and they would enjoy it. Well, I guess I am very brave, they were freaked out. Who knew, I'm unscarable. Note: I refuse to watch scary movies...If i do I need a nightlight and JJ next to me. But we enjoyed our time in Edinburgh and I got to show somebody around for a change, usually I'm the one who is lost and being showed around. Our final adventure of the trip was a visit to St. Andrew's. We wanted to see the coast and touch the North Sea (Did not know we were surrounded by the North Sea.) The bus ride was a little long but we got there and loooved it. St. Andrew's is beautiful. I know I say that pretty much about every city, but this place had a beach, castle ruins, green golf courses and a very cute downtown. The one complaint: the Wind. I seriously could have been knocked over or carried away with the wind. I had to walk backwards in order to breathe. My dad would probably insert here how he golfed in that weather and scored very well. Moving right along, we walked on the beach, proceeded to get sand everywhere that wasn't covered by clothing (in shoes, hair, ears...ickk) and then touched the North Sea! Yay! We walked around, snapped some epic photos, froze our bums off, spent more money, drank some beers, had delicious soup, and then hopped on a bus back to my dear Stirling. Unfortunately, my two loves had to leave really early the next morning, so we stayed in and ate some pizza and had a final Nertz session with the boys. I cannot tell you how much fun we had and how good it was to see KK and KT. It made me a but homesick, but luckily the next day I had more visitors! (Told you I've been busy) My mommy and Daddy came to see me in bonny Scotland! The girls week came to a sad end, but luckily I had family time to look forward to.

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